Digital Learning & The Future of Education

Digital learning and advancements in education technology have been reshaping classrooms all over the world. New methods of teaching and digital communication have integrated themselves into the classroom and have helped give a voice to quiet learners. As classrooms constantly adapt to change, it’s important to ensure that that change is being absorbed equally.

In this article, we’ll take a look at a few initiatives that are working to make classrooms everywhere more inclusive, engaging, and dynamic. 


Future Ready Schools

Future Ready Schools is an Alliance for Excellent Education initiative that helps school districts prepare students for success in college as well as in their careers. FRS provides free resources and support to ensure that districts know how to properly incorporate digital learning into their curriculums and provide better learning experiences for all students, especially those in underserved communities.

Once a school district's superintendent has signed the Future Ready District Pledge, the school’s instructors will receive free access to various summits, workshops, a planning framework and interactive planning tools, vast and deep resources, and ongoing professional learning opportunities through virtual events, mentoring, and regional networking.


Digital Learning Day

Digital learning is made up of many tools and applications that support and empower teachers and students, including online courses, blended or hybrid learning, or digital content and resources.

Digital Learning Day was started in 2012 by the Alliance for Excellent Education as a way to embrace learning in the digital age and share breakthroughs in innovation and education technology with learners everywhere. 

We’ve seen technology propel students’ learning and develop new skill sets like never before. However, not all classrooms have access to many of these digital platforms. That is in essence why Digital Learning Day was created, to provide a method of sharing and embracing advancements in education for all learners no matter which school district they live in.

Look out for the thousands of events that will be taking place next Digital Learning Day (DLDay), February 27, 2020, in classrooms all over the world! 


Future of Education

The future of education is something the UN has thought about in great length. In fact, they have gone so far as to start the groundwork on an exciting initiative that looks all the way to the year 2050.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) considers climate change as a contributor to the rise of growing inequalities, social fragmentation, and political polarization. In an effort to combat these challenges, UNESCO looks at how digital communication and advancements in innovation and technology will shape the future of learning in their 2050 initiative — Futures of Education: Learning to Become.

The initiative will bring together youth, educators, civil society, governments, businesses, and other stakeholders. All parties will be working under the guidance of a high-level International Commission of thought-leaders from diverse areas of study and different parts of the world.

In November 2021, the commission will share their policy agenda of what their vision of education looks like for our collective future.

For more information on digital learning and how you can incorporate technology into the classroom, visit us today!